Ain Solehah with her parents during Khatam Ceremony celebrating her success being the first female students in PTI 2.0 memorized 30 juz of Al Quran within 56 days.<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
PTI trip to Universiti Teknologi Petronas as an exposure to the students about furthering studies in University<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
A group of students who win the Business Challenge Competition. The prizes are sponsored by Deentrends<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
We train our students to get close with the society. We equipped them with social skills by doing volunteerism.<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
We give opportunity and space for our students to lead.<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
They don\u2019t just memorise the Quran, they learn words by words and imagine the story behind of the verse by using Annur Memorising Technique<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>
Kota Kinabalu<\/span><\/div><\/a><\/div><\/figure><\/div>